Gail's Thai Massage
Your body deserves more
01452 550160
Traditional Thai Body Massage
Thai massage is a therapeutic massage and a traditional treatment for relieving stress and tension, and for the treatment of back pain, stiff neck, shoulder pain, and sports injuries including muscle and tendon strain.
Thai Oil Massage
Thai Oil Massage begins with applying oil to the feet and legs, and then moving up to concentrate mostly on the back and shoulders with some attention given to arms, hands and fingers. This massage has a soothing effect on the nervous system while relaxing the muscles and improving blood and lymph circulation. This can be a good choice if you’re not feeling up to the stretch involved in Traditional Thai as it is a gentler massage and if you have a problem area we can apply pressure at specific points to help alleviate your pain.
Thai Foot Massage Treatment
Thai foot massage is a relaxing therapy involving gentle foot massage. Sensitive, trained hands detect imbalances elsewhere in the body. By working on these points on the feet, tensions are eased in the whole body.
Shower facilities available